Should you healthify your holidays?
Should you healthify your holidays? The holiday season is here again and there's going to be lots of merrymaking as well as more than enough to wine, dine and lots to do. But don't forget about your health. You should consider your health plan in whatever you do. But what if you could enjoy the glorious holiday without sabotaging your health? By following these simple steps, you can stay healthy during the holiday season: 1. Moderation in everything I will never, ever tell you to avoid all the delicious foods that make this holiday season worthwhile but rather practice moderation. Even if you are on a diet, allow yourself some room for indulgence if you want to. It is the holidays, after all, and it's not every day you can eat Grandma's home baked cake or take a sip of your favorite wine. Eat a balanced meal and drink responsibly. You shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying the foods you love while spending time with people you love. Plus, restricting your...