Christmas in a Pandemic

COVID-19 and the holidays: Have a COVID-safe celebration. 2020 Christmas holidays Having a hard time getting through with the Christmas festivities this year? Especially in the COVID-19 period and the imperils it could bring. Family and friends coming together during this time of the year is a pleasant experience to remind us of the love and hope we can share. Missing out on such a great time of merry can be a quite regrettable one. As we get ready to get into the festive season, it's important we consider how we can go about this year's celebration in a COVID-safe way. Here's how you and your household can enjoy a safe, healthy, COVID-19 free holiday even in the pandemic. 1. Adhere to all COVID-19 safety protocols Let's begin by recapping on the key things we know about the spread of the coronavirus. First, we know close contact is the major risk factor of the spread of the virus, this is because droplet-spread plays a role in the transmission; when an infect...